Happy New Year! I had 50 of these wall calenders printed up in Mexicali, it's more like 45 after my family shaked me down for some. You can pick one up for just $20 +$2.95 S&H. Can you tell "Hustle more" was on my list of resolutions? And because I don't want anyone feeling flim--flammed, I must mention that the painting image is a little pixelated. I'm horrible at documenting my work, so this is the best image I had available. Let me know in the space provided if you'd like me to deface your copy with my signature or a crude vulgar drawing. If you don't want to hassle with PayPal, email me to arrange a money order or check payment. (Click the image to go get one)

in the box where it says "chicken scratch or no", do we simply reply with a yes or no, or be more specific?
I would say a "yes" would suffice and I'll just freestyle the drawing. Specific? Did you have something specific in mind?
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