May 29, 2009

En Fuego...

opens tonight, 7-9pm

I'll tell you what is en fuego, my stomach. Or it was yesterday on my way home from Seaside. Taking the winding hwy 1, tipping point. I sincerely apologize to the day shift of undisclosed gas station for completely demolishing their public restroom with my breakfast spew. I hope those get sprayed down with a high powered hose or something less disgusting.

Thanks to all the folks over at the gallery for their help with the install, as I just directed from my perch trying to keep from tossing my cookies. If I hadn't been dying, I would have stuck around to explore. I saw all kinds of browns, and all kinds of thrifts. Maybe in 6 weeks. Show is up 6 weeks.

Tiny 4" x 4" rings
quequito & elote
FACE!(as my nephew Vic says) & cuernito


Blogger Linda Gonzalez said...

these are awesome i dig your style. so much pan dulce makin my sweet tooth ache

June 17, 2009 9:18 PM  
Blogger MiTSY said...


June 18, 2009 11:44 PM  

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