May 29, 2009

En Fuego...

opens tonight, 7-9pm

I'll tell you what is en fuego, my stomach. Or it was yesterday on my way home from Seaside. Taking the winding hwy 1, tipping point. I sincerely apologize to the day shift of undisclosed gas station for completely demolishing their public restroom with my breakfast spew. I hope those get sprayed down with a high powered hose or something less disgusting.

Thanks to all the folks over at the gallery for their help with the install, as I just directed from my perch trying to keep from tossing my cookies. If I hadn't been dying, I would have stuck around to explore. I saw all kinds of browns, and all kinds of thrifts. Maybe in 6 weeks. Show is up 6 weeks.

Tiny 4" x 4" rings
quequito & elote
FACE!(as my nephew Vic says) & cuernito

May 10, 2009


My Mom saaays she doesn't like me posting about about her on the internets but I don't knoooww she says the same thing about me calling her Octomom and yet curiously cracks a little smile every time I refer to her as such. You know how I know I love my Mom non-stop? I give her pedicures. FEET ya'll, that's love. Don't say I never do nothing for you lady. I really can't even describe (or joke) about the enormity of her love and sacrifice. She's the biggest blessing in my life, EVER - I win.

Slapped together this playlist for her, for the Mom's in my family and all the other baby mommas out there who ride or die for their babies.

And a would be happy Mother's day to Mammy Ramirez who so desperately wanted to become a mother he shat on his legacy and his voucher into the HOF. Now lets use his paycut and get us a starting pitcher not a belly itcher. 47 games and counting....