In observance of my favorite Canadian national holiday, Canada day (also my birthday) my Mom took to the wild of Joseph Grant county park and captured a butterfly for me to whisper a wish to and set free. Straight biting a scene from her novela, where Jose Maria gifts Violeta with the same. It really is the thought that counts though, she went to such great lengths. She may or may not have knowingly ignored warning signs designating the area as a butterfly sanctuary. (Sshh!)
Here's what the internet tells us...according to a Native American legend because butterflies do not omit sound you can trust they won't run their mouth about your hearts' desire until they reach the Great Spirit in the sky. In gratitude of you giving the butterfly it's freedom your wish is granted.

I'm still waiting on it.

My dad is just asking for me to become the crazy bird lady.
He gave me the two new shorties on the left.
He gave me the two new shorties on the left.

Got some other rad $tuff...Dodger thangs, DVDs and this rad drawing from Ricardo.
The Dodgers had not lost more than 2 consecutive games all season long. So when they went into a 4 game skid this past week, I panicked. I really felt that they would never win again. I've been spoiled during the first half. Lets reset with this clip of Conan switching allegiance...